3 Stress Busters for Exams

Exams mean a headache for some students. Stress is usual for many of us but actually, it is not the case. Stress can be minimised no doubt. The thing is you need to know stress busters tricks during exams. You a kind of push to prepare well for the exam, I mean not the literal push but the motivational push. Most of us including me fear the word exam itself. But it is because we have made perception like this. It can be reduced no big deal you need to follow just these simple steps to reduce the stress: 1) Take a break: Continuously studying for a longer period of time gives stress in mind. Mark time to study for about an hour and take short breaks of 5 minutes. This helps you to concentrate more on chapters you are reading. Take a tea or water drinking breaks so that you have moved from your position and roam a bit. You need to remember your break will not reach the mark above of the 5 minutes otherwise it will be drastic in your preparations. After having the...